My fiction is primarily soft/sociological scifi, and is mostly near-earth. My story "Night Terrors" appears in the anthology "Doomology: The Dawning of Disasters," which is currently available from Amazon and Barnes and Noble, and I have several pieces of work under consideration at many other magazines and anthologies. I recently finished editing my first novel, and will be seeking representation for it later this year, after running it by some Beta Readers. Even though another novel has been taking my imagination hostage for the last few weeks/months, I'm focusing my energy on short stories again for a little while. I'm also beginning to dabble in picture books, and will be seeking representation for some of those in the near future as well.
Kal'El, my younger son, is almost 2 and is definitely a stubborn toddler. He loves to explore and is curious about everything. He's also very kind and loving, and always has a hug for someone who is upset. He's still at the two-word sentence phase, but communicates a great deal with those two words, and seems to learn new ones every day. Nothing excites him more than balls and trains.
I talk about both of my boys a lot on this blog, because they dominate much of my time. (And no, those aren't their real names.)
My husband is trying to make his way in the copywriting/marketing world, and he is a writer as well. Previously he focused on screenplays, but recently he decided to join me in writing novels and celebrated finishing the first draft of his first novel. We met at a science fiction convention. We are madly in love.