After we read the story of Snow White, the first thing Zaxxon and I did was make a magic mirror. We cut a frame...
...made a face...
...glued on some foil...
...and examined ourselves in the "reflection."
Next we did some freehand drawing to make Snow White, who is very Picassoesque with her nose on top, then her mouth, and her eyes at the bottom of her face--not to mention the arms coming out of her head. :)
We also drew the belt, comb, and apple the queen used to try to kill Snow White. Then Zaxxon announced that he wanted to eat an apple, so we cut one up and shared it.
The next day we colored in seven dwarfs
Cut them out
And pasted them to a number 7
Then I had him draw a queen
And decorate her crown
We finished this up by formally introducing the letter Q. Zaxxon decided to draw lines between the pictures where we needed to cut the paper,
and then he followed them pretty well. There were no other Q crafts, because I could only come up with five kid-friendly Q words to show him.
Crafts have slowed to a crawl these days, but I think we both miss them. Zaxxon often seems to be in a better mood and more cooperative when we share this time together, so I'll probably try to get more done again. The biggest hurdle is the prep time on my part--time has been in short supply lately. But it's worth the time and effort. It's also a lot of fun.
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